Global Perspective
Leading Association
This Is What We Do

In accordance with the provisions of Article 11 and 12 of the Law on Associations (“Službeni list RS”, No. 51/09), at the Founding Assembly held on June 19, 2018 in Belgrade, with
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Article 1.
“Dutch-Serbian Business Association”, abbreviated HSPA (Serbian Holandsko-Srpska Poslovna
Asocijacija), is a non-profit and non-governmental organization based on indefinite time, in order to achieve
goals in the field of economic and other forms of cooperation between The Netherlands and Serbia,
hereinafter referred to as the “Association”. Name in the Dutch language “Nederlands-Servische Handelsvereniging”, abbreviated NSH.
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Article 2.
The association is registered at Bitoljska 1a, Belgrade. The Association realizes its activity on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
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Article 3.
The founding goals of the Association are:
- Realizing and promoting common and general interests in the field of economy, business and social
contacts between Serbia and the Netherlands, all in the overall context of European integration - Establishment of economic and business relations between Serbia and The Netherlands, its members –
legal and / or natural persons - Maintaining expert presentations and obtaining information from competent authorities in Serbia and The Netherlands, as well as from European institutions
- Informing the local side, and acting as an effective link between local governments and businesses in
both directions, on any issue concerning the business environment - Promoting the image of the Netherlands in Serbia on the business, cultural and social level, as well as raising local awareness of the business potentials of the members of the Association
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Article 4.
The number of members is unlimited. The association has two types of membership: regular and honorary.
A member of the Association can be any person who accepts the Statute and the goals of the Association and submits the application to the Board of Directors for membership. Membership becomes effective only when payment of membership fee is made. The decision on admission to membership is made by the Board of Directors and informs the applicant without delay.
Regular members of the Association can become:
- Dutch companies, organizations, clubs, as well as individuals living in Serbia, or connected with business activities with Serbia
- Serbian companies, organizations, clubs, as well as individuals connected with business activities with the Netherlands
A member of the Association is entitled to:
- participates equally with other members in achieving the goals of the Association
- directly participates in decision-making in the Assembly, as well as through the bodies of the
Association, if the member is a full member after paying the membership fee - Elect and be elected to the organs of the Association
- be timely and fully informed about the work and activities of the Association Honorary members are: ex officio Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Serbia and
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to The Netherlands.
A person who provides exceptional assistance and support to the Association or contributes to the
fulfillment of the goals of the Association, may, on the proposal of the Assembly, be selected as a lifelong honorary member, with the majority vote.
All honorable members do not have the right to vote.
The termination of membership is:
- a voluntary statement by a member sent in writing to the Board of Directors
- non-payment of membership fee for more than 3 months
- for members of the Board of Directors: non-attendance in the continuity of the 3 meetings of the Board of Directors, without an adequate justified failure to submit to the Board of Directors
- membership ceases due to non-compliance with the provisions of the Statute and violation of the
reputation of the Association
The decision on termination of membership is made by the Board of Directors.
A member must be allowed to state reasons for the decision on termination of his membership in the Association
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Article 5.
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Article 6.
The bodies of the Association are: The Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Executive Director.
The Assembly may be a regular annual Assembly (hereinafter “the Assembly”) and an extraordinary Assembly.
Assembly of the Association consists of all its members.
The Assembly meets regularly once a year.
An extraordinary session of the Assembly may be scheduled on the reasoned proposal of the Board of Directors, as well as at the initiative of at least half of the members of the Assembly. The proposal of half of the members of the Assembly shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors. It must include the questions whose considerations are proposed.
The session of the Assembly is convened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors in writing / electronic notification of the place and time of the Assembly’s holding and the draft agenda.
The session is chaired by the person – the Chairman of the Assembly – who was elected by a public vote at the beginning of the Assembly’s work.
1. Adopts the plan and program of work
2. Adopts the Statute, as well as the amendments to the Statute
3. Adopts other general acts of the Association
4. Elects or dismisses members of the Board of Directors
5. Considers and approves, at least once a year, the report of the Board of Directors
6. Considers and adopts the annual financial plan and report
7. Decides on status changes and termination of work of the Association
The Assembly decides on changes and amendments to the Statute, status changes and termination of the
work of the Association by the majority votes of the present members, 50% + 1 members present.
For the validation of the Assembly, a quorum of 25% of members is required.
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Article 7.
The Board of Directors is the executive body of the Association, which is responsible for the implementation of the goals set forth in this Statute.
The Board of Directors comprises six members: the President, Vice President, Secretary, and three additional Board Members.
All members of the Board of Directors will be elected from the Association’s membership for a term of four
years. The election will be conducted by secret ballot, with candidates chosen from among those members of the Association who have applied for a specific position.
The Executive Director also participates in the work of the Board of Directors.
Ex officio member of the Board of Directors is an eco Economic Attaché of the Embassy of the Kingdom of
the Netherlands in Serbia and the Economic Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Netherlands.
Meetings of The Board of Directors shall be held as required, as decided by the President.
The Board Secretary ensures smooth board operations by organizing meetings, preparing agendas, and
distributing necessary documents. They facilitate communication between Board members and executives
and prepare reports and presentations for meetings. During meetings, they take detailed minutes and distribute them promptly.
The Secretary maintains and updates all documentation, keeps members informed about relevant news and legislative changes, and ensures compliance with procedures and policies. They track attendance, oversee task completion, and manage board members’ terms, ensuring adherence to bylaws.
Additionally, the Secretary helps orient new directors, providing essential information and resources to integrate them into the Board effectively.
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Article 8.
The Board of Directors:
1. manages the work of the Association between the two sessions of the Assembly and makes decisions to
achieve the goals of the Association
2. organizes regular activities of the Association
3. appoints and dismisses the Executive Director
4. controls the work of the Executive Director
5. entrust specific tasks to individual members
6. make financial decisions
7. decides to initiate the procedure for amendments to the Statute, by its own initiative, or at the proposal of
at least 25% of the members of the Association, and prepare a proposal for amendments, which is submitted to the Assembly for adoption
8. decides on the employment and engagement of a person
9. decide on other issues for which other bodies of the Association have not been authorized by law or this Statute
The Board of Directors decides in validity if at least three members are present, and decisions are made by the majority of the members present.
In case of voting in the Board of Directors, where there is a quorum, and the equal number of votes “for” or “against”, the President of the Board of Directors has a decisive vote.
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Article 9.
The Executive Director is the representative of the Association.
The Board of Directors may also appoint other representatives.
The Executive Director is authorized to make decisions and conduct regular activities that are in the interest of the Association.
The term of office of the Executive Director is four years and may be re-elected.
The Executive Director submits a report on his work to the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors may decide to appoint additional individuals to fulfill the role of The Executive Support Officer. The Executive Support Officer provides assistance to both the Executive Director and the Board of Directors, with the added capability of taking on specific duties of the Executive Director when necessary. Appointed by the Board of Directors, this role is dedicated to maintaining operational continuity and aiding the Board in achieving the Association’s objectives.
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Article 10.
The work of the Association is public.
The Board of Directors takes care of the regular reporting of membership and coverage of the work and
activities of the Association, either directly or through internal publications, the Internet, or by means of a press release or other appropriate means.
Annual accounts and reports on the activities of the Association shall be submitted to members at the annual meeting of the Assembly of the Association.
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Article 11.
To achieve its goals, the Association can establish contacts and cooperate with other associations and organizations in the country and abroad.
The association can join international associations, which a decision is made by the Assembly.
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Article 12.
The Association shall obtain funds from membership fees, voluntary contributions, donations and gifts, financial subsidies and other legally authorized means.
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Article 13.
The Association can also obtain funds from the registration fees for seminars, other forms of education, as well as other forms of related activities that the Association does.
Profit realized by performing the above activities can be used exclusively for the achievement of the goals of
the Association, including the expenses of the regular work of the Association and its own participation in the financing of certain projects.
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Article 14.
The Association has a circular stamp on which it is printed: Dutch-Serbian Business Association, Belgrade.
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Article 15.
Association ceases to operate with the decision of the Assembly, as well as in other cases provided by the
law. The distribution of the assets of the Association will be carried out by a decision of the Assembly, based on Article 42 of the Law on Associations.
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Article 16.
All provisions not regulated by this Statute will directly apply the provisions of the Law on Associations.